Let’s massage your soul.


As a Shamanic Death Doula specializing in guiding women through the labyrinth of grief and challenging life transitions, I embark on a sacred journey alongside those seeking solace and transformation.

In the delicate dance with the threads of life and death, my role transcends the conventional, offering a nurturing space for healing and rebirth. Together, we navigate the realms of transition, drawing upon ancient shamanic wisdom and compassionate support to illuminate the path through the shadows.

It is an honor to hold space for clients, weaving threads of empowerment and resilience as they navigate the transformative tapestry of their own narratives.

2.5 hr. Shamanic Energy Medicine Session

Channeled in-person healing sessions for those undergoing a profound metamorphosis.

Location: Elena’s studio in Port Washington, Long Island, NY

Free 15 Minute Discovery Call

Curious yet not quite ready to take the leap and book a session? Let’s talk about it.

Discover the transformative power of working with a shamanic death doula. 🌙✨

1️⃣ Rituals of Healing: Experience sacred rituals tailored to your unique journey. Shamanic death doulas offer ancient practices to honor your grief, helping you find solace and release.

2️⃣ Energetic Cleansing: Let go of stagnant energy and emotional burdens as a shamanic death doula guides you through energy clearing techniques, freeing you from the weight of grief.

3️⃣ Soul Connection: Connect with the essence of your loved ones through shamanic journeying. Uncover messages and find comfort in the spiritual realm, knowing your loved ones are always with you.

4️⃣ Emotional Support: Receive compassionate companionship as you navigate the waves of grief. A shamanic death doula holds a safe and nurturing space for your emotions, helping you heal at your own pace.

5️⃣ Integration and Transformation: Embrace the potential for growth and transformation amidst grief. A shamanic death doula supports your journey towards integrating loss, finding meaning, and reclaiming your life.

My approach: Silly & Sacred

As a shamanic practitioner, I embrace the profound dance between the sacred and the silly, recognizing the inherent wisdom and healing power that lie within both.

In one hand, I hold the sacred, honoring ancient rituals, connecting with the divine, and accessing the realms of spirit.

I tread this path with reverence, invoking the energies of ancestors and spirit guides to bring forth healing and transformation. In my other hand, I cradle the silly, understanding the importance of playfulness, spontaneity, and humor in our human experience.

Through laughter and lightness, I dissolve barriers, inviting joy and liberation into the sacred space. It is in the delicate balance of these two forces that true magic emerges, weaving together the threads of wisdom and delight, and reminding us that the journey of the soul is a tapestry of both profound depth and delightful whimsy.

A shamanic energy medicine session, from my perspective as a female healer dedicated to supporting individuals in navigating grief, loss, and major life changes, is a sacred and transformative journey of healing and empowerment.

Drawing upon ancient wisdom and spiritual practices, I create a safe and nurturing space for my clients to delve into the depths of their emotions and experiences.

Through the power of intention, ritual, and intuitive guidance, I connect with the energetic realm and channel healing energies to address the spiritual, emotional, and energetic imbalances caused by grief and life transitions.

By working with various techniques such as energy clearing, soul retrieval, and intuitive counseling, I assist individuals in releasing energetic blockages, reclaiming their personal power, and finding renewed meaning and purpose in their lives.

It is a profound and soulful process that honors the individual's unique journey, allowing them to find solace, clarity, and the strength to embrace the transformative power of their own healing.

As a shamanic death doula, I accompany individuals through the transformative journey of spiritual or shamanic death, especially during moments of profound life shifts like loss, heartbreak, grief, and job loss.

My role is to hold sacred space and offer compassionate guidance as they delve into the depths of their emotions, fears, and attachments. Utilizing shamanic energy medicine, I help them navigate the inner realms, where they confront their shadows and old patterns, allowing for a symbolic death of the past self. This process of release and surrender opens the way for profound healing and inner growth. Through rituals, energy work, and ceremony, we honor the losses and facilitate the emergence of newfound strength, purpose, and resilience. In this sacred space, individuals embrace their inner power and align with their authentic essence, creating a renewed sense of purpose and a harmonious connection with life's unfolding journey.

Sarah S.

“After our session, I feel more bolstered to handle the day. Now, I feel that I have clear, actionable steps I can take to create the kind of life I want to be living.”