Now is Now with Seasonal Teacher, Morgan Rose Simeone

Morgan Rose Simeone joins us again to chat about how we can tune into the rhythms of nature to more easily navigate the contrast that life offers us.  She shares how she is navigating spending time with her elder father as he lives through his last chapter of life.  Morgan discusses the struggles, the memory-making moments, how she creates boundaries,  and how she stays present and honest with herself while honoring her commitment. 

A must-listen for anyone embarking on the path of being fully present for their loved one's passing.

Affirmation: "I ground into the earth. I pause and breathe. I am here to receive the present moment. I surrender to the Now"

Morgan and Elena discuss:

  • Seasonal tips to ground into the body and become fully present

  • Eckhart Tolle's wisdom on the IS-NESS of our present reality 

  • "The Power of Now"

  • Being vulnerable while being social and staying centered

  • Creating an energetic protection field 

  • Surface level talks vs. deep and real conversations

  • Being okay when the contrast of life breaks your heart

  • The Sacred Pause -- 

  • Committing to being present for her father during his later years

  • Reincarnation & esoteric discussion topics for those closer to death

  • Navigating guilt around being present for their loved one's preparation for death

  • Creating a living memory tool kit of objects that clue you back into your loved ones

  • Creating a memory web of life's mythology

"The Power of Now" Book by Eckhart Tolle
The Sacred Pause -- Jack Kornfield

Morgan Rose Simeone:
The Spiral Membership
Instagram @morganrose.rituals


One Foot In, One Foot Out of the Spirit World with Jan Lucier, Elder Shamanic Practitioner


Music as Medicine with Gabriel Logan Braun