The Griefcation™ with Tahnee Taylor
Tahnee Taylor joins us from Australia to chat about taking time away to process grief. She carries a tapestry of wisdom with an intersection of Daoist and Yogic practices. Currently pregnant with her second child, she shares how pregnancy, birth, grief, and death go hand-in-hand.
We discuss:
how Tahnee and Elena met in Peru in 2015
why Elena chose Australia for her Griefcation™ after her father passed
the healing power of the land that Tahnee and her husband Mason held their retreats on
the importance of taking time away when possible to process deep life changes
acknowledging loss in modern society
Tahnee shares her personal experience of recently losing her grandfather and supporting her partner through the passing of his stepfather
yoga as a church to process grief
the liminal space of birth and death
how pregnancy and birth inform a grief practice
practical tools, and techniques to support the organs
About Tahnee Taylor:
Tahnee is a Yin Yoga teacher, chi nei tsang practitioner and herbalist who is devoted to learning and listening to the language of the body. She offers online classes, teacher trainings and more.
Visit her website at
Follow her on IG @tahneeyoga
The SuperFeast Podcast
SuperFeast - Di Dao Medicinal Mushrooms and Tonic Herbs
Mantak Chia, Chi Nei Tsang, and Microcosmic Orbit Practice
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