Power Places with The Death Alchemist, Adriana Michelle
What happens when two death doulas get chatting? Pure magic! Adriana Michelle, a.k.a The Death Alchemist, is a death doula, Transition & Rebirth Doula, and Storyteller. Elena and Adriana discuss how to create Power Places to move through grief. Adriana was born in San Diego, raised in Mexico, and is currently living in New Orleans where she offers grief walking, transition readings, and monthly online grief meetings.
Elena and Adriana discuss:
grief walking
permission to sit with grief
processing death at a young age
memories as power places
speaking to our dead
finding power places while traveling
Opening yourself up to signs from spirit
Power places in the spirit world
returning to your ancestral homeland
Adriana's top Grief film picks:
My Girl
Now and Then
Bridge to Terabithia
Marley & Me
I Will Follow
The Changeling
Como Agua Para Chocolate
The Fountain
What Dreams May Come
The Descendants
The Bucket List
The Sixth Sense
Note from Adriana on creating a Power Place:
"Something as simple as lighting a candle, putting on music, and getting into the shower or bath is SOOOO powerful (lots of downloads come through for me in there) I find it very healing to write out some intentions or just free write/journal. Mirror work. Setting up an altar is the obvious choice because it is something that is easily accessible and can be set up in a closet (hidden away for privacy if you need to). ALSO JUST CRY. Whatever emotion you are feeling, let that lead you. Life is a ceremony. Everything is a ritual. Sit with it. Digest it."
Work with Adriana:
Follow on IG @thedeathalchemist
Buy your copy of Elena's book "Grieve Outside the Box"
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